Thursday, October 7, 2021

Duet 3 Wiring Guide

 Duet 3 Wiring Guide

Duet Wiring Instructions

This is a guide on how to wire the Duet board for your printer. Once you have mounted the Duet 3 and 24v power supply to your 3d printer you can began to wire the Duet 3 Mainboard. I’m using the Duet 3 in standalone mode so I won’t be covering the Raspberry Pi.

Power Supply

Connect the Black wire into the “L” terminal Connect the White wire into the “N” terminal Connect the Green wire into the Ground terminal The wire colors meet US color standards for AC. Colors. The positive wire from the power supply goes to the terminal marked +. Do not solder the power supply wires because the heat generated from the current can melt the solder causing the connection to become loose. Duet3d recommends to use bootlace ferrules on the end of the wires and to re-tighten the terminal block screws after doing the first few prints, because heat generated by the high can cause them to creep and become loose.

Connect the terminal block labelled POWER IN to your power supply Make sure to get the polarity right and the wires you use are of proper gauge size to carry the current to supply the bed heater and electronics.

Letters or numbers to designate coils.

The standard is A+,A-,B+,B- (or B-.B+,A-,A+) on the labelling of Duet3d boards.

Stepper Motor Wire Color And Coil Pairs

Stepper Motor Color Coding of Wires & Coil Pairs

For any stepper motor to be wired up properly, we’ll need to determine which wires are “pairs” or connected to the ends of each coil. These are usually referred to as coil “A” and coil “B”. The exact order of the pairs Black/Green or Green/Black of pins does not matter, but keeping the pairs together on the left, and red/blue with each other on the right is important.

To get the motor moving properly and in the right direction stepper motors must be wired up properly. It does matter which coil is which and what the polarity of the coils. While there is no universal standard for color code for stepper motors, many stepper motor manufactures keep their stepper wires in order with the motor coil pairs 

  • Black/Green is a motor coil 

  • Red/Blue is a motor coil

Although the wiring colors can not be trusted the order of wires is usually as follows:

Wiring Option 1

  • 1A – green

  • 1B – black

  • 2A – blue

  • 2B – red

Wiring Option 2

  • A + black

  • A – green

  • B + red

  • B – blue

Sometimes Option

  • A + black (red)

  • A – green (green)

  • B + red (yellow)

  • B – blue (blue)

Determine which wires are “pairs” or connected to the ends of each coil. The motor wire pairs are known as coil “A” and coil “B”. The exact order of the pairs does not matter. Only keeping the pairs together is important

On the left 

  • red/blue with each other 

on the right

  • black/green with each other


Identifying The Stepper Motor Phases – Coil Pairs

If the color code and motor wiring isn’t allowing motor movement, ignore the wire colors and look at the wire positions instead. Use a multimeter to test to see if continuity in the wiring of the stepper – both motors behaved the same in that there was zero resistance between blue and red , zero resistance green and black.

Here are two ways you can pair the stepper motor wires into phases:

  1. Using a multimeter, check for resistance. There should be a few ohms resistance between two wires that belong to the same phase, and no continuity between wires that belong to different phases.

  2. With the motor wires not connected to anything, spin the motor shaft. Short two of the wires together, then spin the shaft again. If it is much harder to spin than before, those two wires belong to the same phase. Otherwise, try again with a different pair of wires shorted together.

Use a multimeter to find the coils and wire appropriately. ohm test the stepper motors. A wire pair should have a slight resistance. If the resistance values are right. The XYZ motors are rated 4.2V 1.5A 2.8 Ohm +/-10%. The extruder motor is rated 2.6V 1A 2.6 Ohm +/-10%.

  1. Check for resistance. There should be a few ohms resistance between two wires that belong to the same phase, and no continuity between wires that belong to different phases.

  2. With the motor wires NOT connected, spin the motor shaft. Short two of the wires together, then spin the shaft again. If it is much harder to spin than before, those two wires belong to the same phase. Otherwise, try again with a different pair of wires shorted together.


Bipolar Motors

Bipolar motors have two separate coils:

Red/Green is one coil 

Blue/Yellow is the other coil. 

Use a multimeter to find the coils and wire appropriately. ohm test the stepper motors. A wire pair should have a slight resistance. If the resistance values are right. The XYZ motors are rated 4.2V 1.5A 2.8 Ohm +/-10%. The extruder motor is rated 2.6V 1A 2.6 Ohm +/-10%.

Also See

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Best CoreXY 3D Printers 2021

Best CoreXY 3D Printers 2021

Choosing a corexy printer design can be a challenge with so many design options available. Every CoreXY design has different design goals for different needs as well as different compromises. Whether you’re building a new printer or just in need of a new 3d printer, there are many options to choose from with each of them having their own unique advantages and disadvantages. 

Size vs Speed

Cost vs Accuracy

Size vs Volume

Depending on your application there are many options to choose from.

DIY 3D Printer Kits

Design and Build Plans

Plug and Play- Ready to Print

New Projects Soon To Be Released

All Metal Parts



  • Jubilee
  • SecKit
  • Voron 3D Printer
  • BLV MGN Cube
  • Railcore
  • HyperCube
  • E3D ToolChanger
  • VzBot
  • CrazyCreatorCube
  • HeVort DIY 3D Printer
  • SolidCore CoreXY

HeVort DIY 3D Printer

The HeVort changes the way 3d printers level the bed. Although non-planar printing is not really widely implemented yet, we may see more non-planar printing in the future. This would allow you to print a part in vertical mode and add another component at an angle without need of support material or other mechanical aids.

HeVort Z-Axis Design

The HeVort uses linear rails mounted on the bottom of the build plate along with 3-point bed leveling. It’s a concept called Non-planer 3d printing. Some refer to the setup as True Bed Leveling.


Jubilee corexy is one of the most hackable 3d printers. If your looking for a highly customizable printer you’ll have to take a look at this. It’s a multi-tool motion platform that has made much progress in the last year. Out-of-the-box, Jubilee is configured for multimaterial 3D printing compatible with current E3D toolchanger parts. Jubilee is meant to be extended by the community through custom tools and applications.
  • Modular Platform
  • ToolChanger
  • Customizable
  • Awesome

The Jubilee toolchanging platform was quick to adopted as manufactures began to offer all-metal upgrades for the platform. Mandala Rose Works offers a range of lightweight machined parts. The Tool changer platform has a big community on Discord.

Rat-Rig V-Core 3

The Ratrig V-Core 3 is a premium DIY kit for your CoreXY needs. The “Configurable” kit is simple for beginners but built with advanced users in mind. The Rat Rig V-Core is quickly getting traction with a growing community that’s pushing the limits of corexy scalability as many are diving into 3d printer builds as big as 500mm x 500mm x 500mm.


The CrazyCreatorCube is a new project that is the alpha state as it launches it’s new open source design. The tool-changing 3D printer can utilize up to four extruders at a time. The tool holder uses neodymium magnets to mount the tools into the tool stations with a mechanical, latching mechanism. The central fan unit and air duct is optimized air flow. The CrazyCreatorCube has a well designed carriage well suited for belt tensioning.
  • Build volume: 350x330x400mm
  • ToolChanger Mechanism: Magnetic
  • Open-Source
  • Electronics: Duet2 with Duex5 Expansion Board

Voron 2.4

The Voron V2 by Voron Design is a well engineered printer with a very promising future. It has a huge community that loves their DIY builds and is very well documented.
  • Build volume: Scalable
  • Extruder: AfterBurner
  • Enclosure: Open or Enclosed
  • Moving Gantry
  • Electronics: Duet3D / Klipper

Voron 2.4 Specs

Light-Weight Carriage Design
High speed prints with fewer defects
Better at printing tall thin things
Great community support on Reddit
Less moving mass of the extruder carriage

BlackBox Multitool 3D Printer

Blackbox Specs

  • Build Volume: 300 mm x 300 mm x 275 mm
  • Full enclosure
  • Direct drive toolchanger
  • Water-cooled toolheads
  • Belted Z-axis
  • Automated leveling and calibration
  • Price: $2,900

RailCore II 3D Printer

RailCore II 300ZL

The original Railcore printer is no longer available due to the updated 300 ZL and ZLT version. But here’s the details:
  • Linear Rails XYZ Axis
  • 300mm x 300mm x 330mm Build Area
  • ZLT is 300m x 300mm x 600mm Build Area
  • Auto Leveling
  • Hotend: E3D V6 or Mosquito
  • 0.9 Degree Steppers

SecKit 3D Printer

The SecKit 3d printer is known for it’s designed for rigidity, speed, low noise, upgradeability and all-metal parts. It’s an all-metal linear rail CoreXY 3D printer kit designed for rigidity, multi-material and easy maintenance. The SK-Go² is the current model offered. The SecKit corexy 3d printer has a small community of users but they all seem to be very happy with their machine.

SolidCore CoreXY

SolidCore CoreXY

The SolidCore corexy 3d printer is designed to be a highspeed workhorse for repeated use. All-metal-parts and components will give us the durability and repeatability needed. But we want people to have the option to use 3d printed parts so they can upgrade later on. Solid all metal parts are durable and less likely to deflect at high printing speeds. The aluminum components are also less likely to breakdown over time when introduced to the forces and heat from repeated use.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Stepper Motor Holding Torque

Stepper Motor Holding Torque

This is the maximum torque that the motor can provide with both windings energized at full current before it starts jumping steps. The holding torque with one winding energized at the rated current is about 1/sqrt(2) times that.


The torque is proportional to current (except at very low currents), so for example if you set the drivers to 85% of the motor rated current, then the maximum torque will be 85% * 0.707 = 60% of the specified holding torque.

Motor Windings

Torque is produced when the rotor angle is different from the ideal angle that corresponds to the current in its windings. When a stepper motor is accelerating, it has to produce torque to overcome its own rotor inertia and the mass of the load it is driving. In order to produce this torque, the rotor angle must lag the ideal angle. In turn, the load will lag the position commanded by the firmware.


Microstepping can reduce torque. What this really means is that when the lag angle is assumed to be equal to the angle corresponding to one microstep (because you want the position to be accurate to within one microstep), higher microstepping implies a smaller lag angle, hence lower torque. The torque per unit lag angle (which is what really matters) does not reduce with increased microstepping. To put it another way, sending the motor a single 1/16 microstep results in exactly the same phase currents (and therefore the same forces) as sending it two 1/32 microsteps, or four 1/64 microsteps, and so on.

Also See

Triple Z Setup

 SolidCore CoreXY - Triple Z Setup

A perfectly levelled print surface becomes more challenging as the size of the build plate increases. With the Maxwell coupling applied to the Z-axis by adding a third axis and mounting it with a Maxwell coupling mechanism which provides unconstrained mounting points. The Z-axis leveling routine is implemented with the RepRap firmware on a Duet Wifi or Duet 3 Mainboard.

Bed Leveling

Bed leveling is necessary in order to print large objects. Mesh bed leveling creates a virtual grid of the print bed. As the layers are printed the motors will lower and raise the nozzle while printing to compensate for the uneven locations on the build plate. Auto Bed Leveling is a function of the Duet 2 board itself. 


  1. Specify at least 3 points using the G30 command and after.
  2. Last one you need to add the S Parameter. Then it will level automatically
  3. Heat up build plate 
  4. Click the “Bed Leveling” button or macro on the Duet Interface.

SolidCore Triple z Mechanism

The advantage of triplez is the additional degree of freedom which allows  radial movement and bed leveling. With small springs on corners and the bed fixtures of the bed. Due to thermal expansion the aluminum plate just loses the frame.

Triple Z bed leveling using the Kinematic coupling for bed leveling and mounting.

Wider belts are more rigid and reduce artifacts caused by the elasticity of the belt itself. The artifacts in prints look like the pitch of the belt itself. In addition, increasing the size of the pulleys will reduce ringing and artifacts.

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WorkHorse Printer-Z-Axis Design

WorkHorse Printer-Z-Axis Design

We’re experimenting with changing the frame size of the WorkHorse 3D Printer. We're now using a 3030 extrusion profile. We also made the side panels two inches wider to have more room in the electronics / Filament compartment.

Z-Motor Mount Sizes

Nema 23 Mount

3030 Frame
2020 Frame
2040 Frame

Nema 17 Mount

2020 Frame
2040 Frame

Z-Axis Lead Screw To Gantry Plate Mount

The old version of the lead screw nut mounts were 3d printed. They would crack over time so the version is now made from aluminum.

Old Z-Axis Lead Screw To Gantry Mount

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Monday, October 4, 2021

WorkHorse Printer Y-Carriage Assembly

 WorkHorse Printer Y-Carriage Assembly

Aluminum Y-Carriage for the WorkHorse 3D Printer

The Y-axis carriage design for the WorkHorse 3D Printer has been updated. This carriage design will fit on the Workhorse V1 and V2 designs. The carriage mounts to MGN12h linear rails which have a 20mm x 20mm hole pattern.

  • More M3 Taped Holes
  • New Hotend and Extruder Mounting Locations

WorkHorse V2

Workhorse Large Scale 3D Printer

Duet 2 Wifi Setup

Duet 2 Wifi Setup

Use this for your Workhorse Printer Setup but with Duet 3 Setup

  1. Connect the Duet to your PC with the USB cable provided. Do not connect other power supplies at this stage.

  2. Windows users, download the USB drivers for Duet here and extract the files to a suitable location.

  3. Install Drivers.

  4. Download YAT Terminal Interface.

  5. Setup YAT to use <LF> as the end of line character. Go to "Terminal" Menu -> "Settings" -> "Text Settings" -> "EOL sequence:" set to <LF>

  6. Windows Users: Open YAT, and configure the correct COM port.

  1. send command M115

  2. The WiFi module has a blue LED on it, just next to the Micro SD card holder. This should flash once when power is connected to the board, but will only be lit permanently when connected to a WiFi network. Duets with an external antenna use a different WiFi module with no LED; if you have one of these, don't forget to plug in the external antenna!

  3. Send M552 to check the status. It should say "WiFi module is disabled". Now put it into idle mode by sending command M552 S0. Send M552 again to check it's idle, then proceed to the next step.

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Workhorse Printer 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

VzBot 3D Printer

 VzBot 3D Printer

The VZbot is a very new corexy 3d printer project by Simon Vezina of Vez3D. The VzBot Printer is a high-speed 3d printer with a simple corexy design that uses less parts compared to core xy printers such as the Voron. The VzBot 3d printer is capable of 3d printing at high speeds. Fewer parts means less components can break and buying parts or troubleshooting is easier.

VzBot Build

VzBot Parts

The VzBot 3D Printer project caught my attention because the mechanical arrangement is similar to the SolidCore CoreXY 3D Printer.

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