Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Triple Z Setup

 SolidCore CoreXY - Triple Z Setup

A perfectly levelled print surface becomes more challenging as the size of the build plate increases. With the Maxwell coupling applied to the Z-axis by adding a third axis and mounting it with a Maxwell coupling mechanism which provides unconstrained mounting points. The Z-axis leveling routine is implemented with the RepRap firmware on a Duet Wifi or Duet 3 Mainboard.

Bed Leveling

Bed leveling is necessary in order to print large objects. Mesh bed leveling creates a virtual grid of the print bed. As the layers are printed the motors will lower and raise the nozzle while printing to compensate for the uneven locations on the build plate. Auto Bed Leveling is a function of the Duet 2 board itself. 


  1. Specify at least 3 points using the G30 command and after.
  2. Last one you need to add the S Parameter. Then it will level automatically
  3. Heat up build plate 
  4. Click the “Bed Leveling” button or macro on the Duet Interface.

SolidCore Triple z Mechanism

The advantage of triplez is the additional degree of freedom which allows  radial movement and bed leveling. With small springs on corners and the bed fixtures of the bed. Due to thermal expansion the aluminum plate just loses the frame.

Triple Z bed leveling using the Kinematic coupling for bed leveling and mounting.

Wider belts are more rigid and reduce artifacts caused by the elasticity of the belt itself. The artifacts in prints look like the pitch of the belt itself. In addition, increasing the size of the pulleys will reduce ringing and artifacts.

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